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Hardware category

Angel steel frame

TIME:2020-04-25   VIEW:0

Product functions and features
1. Environment suitable temperature range: -20 —— + 70 °.
2. The installation should be oriented horizontally. If it is inclined, other measures should be taken to fix the cable.
3. It is required to be balanced and vertical. The horizontal distance between the supports on the same side is 80 cm.
4. When the bracket is embedded, it must be ensured that the base of the bracket fully engages with the concrete of the masonry wall, is dense, and maintains a right-angled state with the fixed wall surface to ensure the area of the base force and avoid distortion. When laying the cable, it should be laid from top to bottom, and it should be dragged horizontally when dragging the cable.
PrevePage:Optical cable tray

Contacts : General Manager Lee
Telephone : 86-0531-83516688
Mobile Phone : 86-13606412877
Address : Chengdong Industrial Park,Mingshui Economic Development Zone,Jinan,Shandong,China

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