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Hardware category

Optical cable tray

TIME:2020-04-25   VIEW:0

Product functions and features
galvanized steel perforated fiber optic cable tray is designed on the basis of corresponding documents in and abroad, it has many advantages: light weight, reasonable construction, easy installation, heat radiation and permeation and so on, it applies to laying of cables with big diameter, especially to laying of high and low voltage power cables.

The field of application
Perforated cable trays offer a good ventilation to cables, are generally used for moderate heat generating electrical or telecommunication applications.
-- Increase the current carrying capacity of cables
-- Takes up to 25 percent less space than ladder
-- Hole pattern designed to provide maximum flexibility for positioning cable ties
-- Speed of installation

Contacts : General Manager Lee
Telephone : 86-0531-83516688
Mobile Phone : 86-13606412877
Address : Chengdong Industrial Park,Mingshui Economic Development Zone,Jinan,Shandong,China

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