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Pipe fitting class

MPP power pipe

TIME:2020-04-25   VIEW:0

Product functions and features
MPP pipe is also called MPP power cable protection pipe, which is divided into excavation type and non-excavation type. MPP non-excavation pipe is also called MPP jack pipe or torch. MPP pipe uses modified polypropylene as the main raw material. It has the characteristics of high temperature resistance and external pressure resistance, and is suitable for high-voltage power line and cable pipe and tubing below 10KV.

The field of application
MPP pipe is also called MPP power cable protection pipe, which is divided into excavation type and non-excavation type. MPP non-excavation pipe is also called MPP jack pipe or torch. MPP pipe uses modified polypropylene as the main raw material. It has the characteristics of high temperature resistance and external pressure resistance, and is suitable for high-voltage power line and cable pipe and tubing below 10KV.

Contacts : General Manager Lee
Telephone : 86-0531-83516688
Mobile Phone : 86-13606412877
Address : Chengdong Industrial Park,Mingshui Economic Development Zone,Jinan,Shandong,China

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