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Pipe fitting class

Electric cable protection CPVC pipe

TIME:2020-04-25   VIEW:0

Product functions and features
This product has the characteristics of high strength, good flexibility, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, flame resistance, good insulation performance, no pollution, not easy to age, light weight, and convenient construction. Its performance indicators have been tested and identified by the national and provincial standards And certification, have reached or exceeded the level of similar domestic products. Product performance is much better than traditional asbestos cable ducts and ordinary PVC pipes, and is an ideal substitute for traditional power cable jackets.

The field of application
It is widely used in the construction and transformation of urban power grids; urban municipal reconstruction projects; civil aviation airport engineering construction; engineering parks and community engineering construction; transportation, road and bridge engineering construction;
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Contacts : General Manager Lee
Telephone : 86-0531-83516688
Mobile Phone : 86-13606412877
Address : Chengdong Industrial Park,Mingshui Economic Development Zone,Jinan,Shandong,China

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